I went shopping, again! As I said in my last post, here is my haul from where I should have been returning things, but then bought a lot more! I was actually well behaved though, there were things I saw that I really liked but sternly told myself NO & came home with more money than I went out with (phew!).
I ordered the jumper online from Never Fully Dressed via ASOS Marketplace in their 50% one day only Spring Fling event. I've had my eye on it for months and when I saw it was only £17 I couldn't resist. I love the leather collar and the chunky but open style knit, and it'll look good with high waisted jeans or a skirt.
I said in my last haul how much I was loving Primark at the moment, and I bought another blouse! This time I got a navy polka dot sheer blouse with gold buttons. I like the fact this blouse has no collar embellishment and it's really similar to a blouse by Monki that I've seen a lot of people wearing recently, but around half the price! The stripe blouse is actually a New Look teen's top! I really liked the peach coloured stripes and I was really worried I wouldn't be able to fasten the top button because it's an age 14 but it's fine, I love gold buttons too (you might have noticed!). The pastel blouse was from H&M (where this week there's 20% UniDays discount!) where I had to restrain myself because there seems to be so many nice things in there! I bought this blouse for summer because all my blouses seem to be long sleeve and I had a panic thinking I wouldn't be able to wear them when it gets a bit warmer!
And finally, there's my new babies. I actually bought the fox cushion on Oxford Street after putting the owl down, but I saw it again today and they have to be a pair don't they? They look so happy together, that's what I tell myself to soothe the pain in my purse anyway!